“One Lovely Blog Award”

As I am working on this month’s post for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I received wonderful and unexpected news from a friend and fellow genealogy blogger. Denise Muhammad, author of  They Came From Virginia, nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award.  I visit Denise’s blog often, her style of writing is engaging and her stories always inspire me to go back and check a few more sources for my own research. Best of all, she shares some fantastic pictures with her posts!



Here are the rules for this award:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to that blog
  2. Share Seven things about yourself
  3. Nominate 15 bloggers you admire (or as many as you can think of!)
  4. Contact your bloggers to let them know that you’ve tagged them for the One Lovely Blog Award

Seven Things About Me:

1. I was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin but I have lived in California, Texas and Illinois

2. I have been researching my family roots for more than 20 years

3. Besides being a genealogist, I work as a freelance writer and journalist

4. When I have free time, I enjoying reading and crossword puzzles

5. I volunteer as a breast cancer advocate, and have lobbied in Washington D.C.

6. I studied classical ballet and modern dance for 15 years

7. I play the piano, but I had to play the oboe in band (imagine that!)

It was difficult to choose, there are so many great blogs out there. Here are 15 Bloggers that I Admire:

1. Claiming Kin by Liv Taylor-Harris

2. Saving Stories by Robin Foster

3. My Ancestor’s Name by Angela Walton-Raji

4. My Blessing That Is SCD by Humbly Blessed

5. Scuffalong:Genealogy by Lisa Henderson

6. Taneya’s Genealogy Blog by Taneya Koonce

7. Ancestors In The Present by Tammy Ozier

8. My Journey: Breaking Down The Walls by Nique Starpg

9. Genealogy With Valerie by Valerie Hughes

10. Adam Henig by Adam Henig

11. Genealogy Adventures by Brian Sheffey

12. Pieces of Me: Bayou Teche Genealogy by Stephani Miller

13. Between the Gate Posts by Linda Rudd

14. My Roots My Blog by Tasia

15. Arkansas Roots: The Stories of my Family by Jamila Sloan Barahona

For those on my list, if you have already been nominated I’m pretty certain that you don’t have to nominate a group. This list could be much longer, as I had a hard time narrowing it down to 15. There are so many bloggers that I follow that inspire me, and I hope that they will continue sharing their stories with us in the future.

Contact Bloggers
I will be contacting the 15 bloggers on my list, unless they see this post and contact me first.  Thanks again to Denise for the nomination. I feel very proud to be included in your list of lovely blogs!

17 thoughts on ““One Lovely Blog Award”

    1. RootsGenie

      Thanks, Charles, for setting a great example! Yours is another blog that I enjoy reading and I wish I could have fit more on my list. I will keep following you for inspiration!

    1. RootsGenie

      You’re welcome! You know this is an important cause and you are a blessing! 15 is just a number to shoot for, you can do as many as you like!

  1. Congratulations to you!! Your blog is not only lovely but it’s a wonderful tribute to your family too! Thank you so much for the honor; I truly appreciate you. I apologize for responding so late. I’ve been caring for an aging parent a lot this year. So I haven’t been online as much as I use to. But I’m so blessed to still have one of my parents still with me — so the Internet must wait. Again THANK YOU!!!

    1. RootsGenie

      Thank you so much! I follow your blog as well, and I think your posts are the most informative and inspiring. I hope my blog can be as helpful to others one day!

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